Server future

2. september 2024

So... Hey everyone...

This has been a hard last few weeks for me with this whole situation. Been trying to wrap my head around and find the right words for this moment.

What I'm gonna say is basically the timeline of what happened and where we are now

(But as a little side note is that I own and pay for the server running Rina)

I'm sure you've seen the last update where Simon (Glob is his alt) said that August 12th would be his finish date but I could say he really deteriorated around the 8th. I tried talking with them but nothing really came from it

On the 16th of August Simon posted around 13 short messages to the group chat saying how he doesn't want to do anything anymore and he's comparing us to the best and most popular private OSU. A lot of not good things to do during development.

Then on the 20th without telling me or Aoba he updated the website say he quit developing the server. He did this without making an announcement or even telling us. He even left a troll link to rick roll anyone trying to see the new site.

On the 23rd i tried messaging the group about a new cheat where Simon responded with the link and then went dark

So it has been awhile because I had to get my thoughts straight and talk with aoba about a few things instead of being malicious and going full scorched Earth to the server. The server will still be developed as me and aoba will continue it from here on out. We're both mad as he said he would finish it and there is a reason he should because I'm the one paying for it all for him to just do his job. There's much I would say to Simon right now but it's stuff that I wouldn't want to leave here publicly.

Just give us some time to process this betrayal and we will make sure that the server is full back into a stable condition.

- Carlohman1


20. august 2024

This will be the last "update", I (Simon) put on here. There has barely been made any progress for the past 2 months. This is simply because I have been struggling a lot with motivation and mental problems. I will be taking a huge step back from Ragnaork development for a long time. Most of Ragnarok's development has been made by me (except for the beginning), since Aoba has grown up and moved onto other things (He's getting pretty old!) and Rina is dead. I don't see the point of creating something 2-3 people use weekly, as it's not motivation enough to finish or continuing osu! development. It removes the purpose and competing with the biggest servers, mainly Akatsuki, is simply a losing battle.

As I've spent most of my teenage years on osu! and private servers (joined Ainu when I was 12 and just turned 18), I've grown a distaste towards the Rina community and the osu! community in general. The amount of weirdos, toxic and generally uncomfortable people there has been coming in recent years, makes me not wanna be a part of it. There are and were still funny people to be around with, but this was in Rina's peak (2019-2020) and ever since then, it's been failing.

I will see Ragnarok as a hobby project, working on it whenever I want to and it'll still be able to play, although a lot of features are missing. This means new players won't have the ability to sign up, as I never added that to the frontend. If you already have an account, you can see leaderboard, beatmaps and profiles at

shoutout to the fun people though and free my bro cloutiful

- Simon


Progression update

15. june 2024

I, Simon, have been hard at work with the API and frontend. So hard infact, that I can ensure you that Rina will return this summer! The exact date, I am not sure, but no longer than 12. august 2024 (my birthday hihi)

If you wanna see how much has been made on the individual parts of the server, check them out here:

/web/ and bancho server
Frontend <- (includes a list of things needed to be finished before the server reopens)


14. may 2024

Yesterday, we got a funny message from someone in our database. The message read, that they "unfortunately" deleted all data (user data, scores, beatmaps, friendships, logs, restrictions, flags, and much more) and required 1000 dollars for the backup file. We obviously won't do that, as we'd be getting scammed. We aren't sure how this happened and we can't be sure, as we disabled access logs, due to very poor decisions made years ago.

I backed up some data from the database, which included profile stats on vanilla and relax and scores on vanilla and relax. The downside of this backup is that I decided that friendships, achievements, beatmaps (which means all rina ranked maps), flags, logs, server stats and so much, wouldn't be needed and are therefore lost (the backup was made for ragnarok testing purposes). The backup file was created 10. October 2023. So all scores after that date, are gone. We will be using this backup file created 10. October 2023. To recover some lost rina-ranked maps and scores, we will be looking through discord messages and replay files.

I won't start the server with the current codebase (and I doubt Aoba would) as it's really old and clearly has a bunch of security flaws. When the frontend is done, we will officially switch to Ragnarok and start the server again. When this will happen, I am not sure, as I am heading into exams time and won't have much time for anything else. In the meantime, you can play on other servers, such as Akatsuki.